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Physician Assistant Program 入学要求

医师助理研究医学硕士(PA)课程旨在体现十大赌博网站学院的多元文化,并教育学生提供社区医疗保健. 致力于教育具有包容性的领导者,为不同的患者及其社区服务, 十大赌博网站的研究生课程将通过严谨的教学方法培养学生实践循证医学, 基于队列的24个月课程.

PA项目旨在招收完成竞争性CASPA申请的学生, 示范专业, 奉献, 以及对病人护理的承诺. No GRE required for the admission review process.

CASPA应用程序 is now open 和 closes December 1, 2024.

  • Early application submission is highly encouraged.
  • 入学 decisions are made on a rolling basis, 因此,这个竞争激烈的项目鼓励尽早提交申请.



3.0 minimum cumulative overall grade point average - AND -3.0 minimum BCP grade point average. 

累积总GPA和BCP GPA是根据所有大专院校完成的所有本科和研究生课程计算的, 是否从指定机构获得学位,并经过验证 CASPA计算.

Prerequisite Course Requirements

有竞争力的申请人必须在过去十年内成功完成以下课程. 所有有实验部分的课程必须亲自完成.
  • Human Anatomy 和 Physiology w/laboratory (2 courses)
    • 人体解剖学和生理学的综合课程是可以接受的,只要总学分至少等于两门课程
  • General Biology w/laboratory (2 courses)
  • General Chemistry w/laboratory (2 courses)
  • Organic Chemistry w/laboratory (1 course)
  • Additional chemistry -or- biochemistry (1 course)
  • Statistics -or- biostatistics (1 course)
  • 推荐,非必需:微生物学
  • 申请人可申请不超过两门尚未完成的预修课程. 此要求的例外情况包括目前注册的艾格尼丝·斯科特学生,作为艾格尼丝·斯科特联系计划的一部分申请. 访问 our website for linkage program details.
  • All prerequisite courses must be completed by June 15, 2025 for admitted applicants to matriculate into this program.
  • 所有先决条件课程必须以“C”或以上(不是C -)的字母成绩完成。. Classes completed as "pass/fail" will not be considered.
  • Courses for which credit was awarded by examination, 比如AP课程, are not accepted toward any of the prerequisite courses.
  • 跳级, IB, 或从以前的医疗保健课程转移学分将不被接受作为该计划的学位要求.
  • 所有先决条件课程与实验室组成部分必须亲自完成. 通过在线教学完成课程不符合先决条件要求.


申请人必须是美国公民.S. 美国公民.S. legal permanent resident to qualify for admission to the program. 

  • 如果在美国以外的机构获得学士学位, 然后申请人必须完成至少一年(30个学时)的额外本科或研究生课程的工作在地区认可的美国大学.S. 机构 prior to application.


Although not required for admission, more competitive applicants will meet the recommended minimum of 1,000 hours of direct “h和s-on” patient care experience, completed as either paid or volunteer experience. 
  • For experiences to be considered "direct "h和s-on" patient care, it must involve h和s-on contact with patients, 和/or high level decision making in a medical environment. Examples include: EMT or paramedic, RN, LPN, 护士的援助, health-related Peace Corps volunteer, 物理治疗师, clinical researcher if patient contact involved, 抽血者, 放射科技术员和非远程医疗抄写员与患者直接接触.
  • 直接“动手”病人护理, does not include observation or shadowing, 非临床研究经验, CPR或ACLS指导员, 学生实习时数, 病人转运体, pharmaceutical or medical device representatives, 制药技术, 救生员, 医疗秘书, 保险的秘书, 医务文员职位, 有氧运动或瑜伽教练, 或者私人教练.
  • 已完成经验的申请人应更新申请“支持信息”部分的“经验”部分.
    • 当可用的, 将患者护理/临床经验小时数的证明上传到CASPA申请的“项目材料-文件”部分. Documentation may include the type of contact 和/or clinical experience, 的位置, 日期, 小时数, 和 the supervisor's signature with contact information.


提交一个 complete, verified CASPA应用程序 for the 2025 cohort by December 1, 2024. 的 application is now open, as of May 1, 2024.

  • 只有在申请提交后,才会对申请进行审查, 和 all materials received 和 verified by CASPA. 
  • Incomplete files will not be reviewed by the 入学 Committee. CASPA大约需要2-4周的时间来处理和验证申请.
  • See section below for Application Deadlines 和 Review Process.


你所就读的所有本科和研究生院校的正式成绩单, whether you completed a degree at that 机构 or not, 必须提交给CASPA. Details about how to submit transcripts to CASPA can be found 在这里.

  • Completion of a 4-year bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited U.S. college or university is required to enroll in the program.
Transcripts from 机构s outside of the U.S.:
  • 如果成绩单来自非美国学生.S. 机构, 需要一份官方的外国证书评估和成绩单副本.
    • All applicants that attended a non-U.S. 机构必须能够证明他们的学位相当于由认可的美国学院或大学授予的四年制学士学位. 申请人必须由国家证书评估服务协会(naces)的成员对其外国证书进行评估.org).
    • 的 evaluation must include: course by course description, documenting equivalence to a regionally accredited U.S. 学士学位(或完成学业的年数和平均成绩).
  • If baccalaureate degree is obtained from an 机构 outside of the U.S., 然后申请人必须完成至少一年(30个学时)的额外本科或研究生课程的工作在地区认可的美国大学.S. 机构 prior to application.
Two page single-spaced Agnes Scott Specific statement of purpose

除了在CASPA的“支持信息”部分完成论文之外, applicants need to submit a separate Statement of Purpose specific to 十大赌博网站学院,详情如下:

  • 利用这个机会来解释为什么你对艾格尼丝·斯科特的私人助理项目感兴趣, why Agnes Scott should admit you, 并解释你学历上的任何空白或下降.
  • Include a response to the following: 
    • 你有什么独特的技能或特质有助于你成为一个合作的人, socially responsible Physician Assistant? Please provide real-world examples to support your answers.
    • Explain why you are interested in Agnes Scott’s PA program, 为什么ASC会录取你, 和, provide explanation for any gaps or dips in your academic credentials.
  • 在CASPA申请的“项目材料-文件”部分上传您的目的声明.
  • Only academic or professional recommendations 将被允许.
    • Academic recommendations are encouraged. 如果你已经离开学校2年以上,可以接受专业推荐.
  • 信件必须是最新的,并且在提交CASPA时不超过一年.
  • 推荐: One letter of reference from a healthcare professional (i.e., practicing PA, physician, nurse practitioner, healthcare supervisor).



Application Deadlines 和 Review Process:

CASPA应用程序 is now open as of May 1, 2024 和 closes December 1, 2024.

  • 入学 decisions are made on a rolling basis, 因此,这个竞争激烈的项目鼓励尽早提交申请.
  • Applications are reviewed after the application is submitted, 和 materials are received 和 verified by CASPA. 此验证过程可能需要2-4周才能被Agnes Scott收到. 

Final Deadline: December 1, 2024 

CASPA必须在最后截止日期前收到以下材料,才能在此周期内考虑申请人: CASPA应用程序; al最终,正式成绩单; 和 a minimum of two recommendations


的 入学 Committee employs a holistic approach, 承认多样性, 和 a strong preference to those who align with our mission.

  • 申请和申请材料只在提交后才会被考虑, completed 和 verified through CASPA.
  • Qualified c和i日期 will be invited for a personal interview, with interviews being held from September 2024 through April 2025.
  • 被录取的学生需要提交500美元的不可退还的入学押金,并通过犯罪背景调查*才能完全注册.

